Sunday 4 March 2012

You Have Now Entered L.O.L

Welcome To My Blog

Created in 2011, original title, later changed to 'Lol xox' (, and then to 'L.O.L'. Currently your looking at Version 4 of this blog. Enjoy and please follow, share and subscribe!!

Other Blogs: (soon to be deleted) (soon to be deleted) (most popular blog)

Youtube: flyyanafly 
Instagram (personal): _anatsymay_
Instagram (other) : _tsymaycomics_
I also have facebook, snapchat and a number


For more visit the other pages on here, especially the "Interesting and Humorously Clever" Page!! and to find out more about me visit "Anastasiya's Page". Take 2 secs to check out my other blogs.Thanks!

   new post 25/9/12
I'm going to share some more things about myself,  So here goes:

I wasn't born in Australia. I was born in a tiny, European country and my mum is Ukrainian and my dad is Russian. So there you go!
I've got 3 sisters,  and I'm the oldest and only one to have been born overseas (the rest of em are true aussies). I'm the only one to have brown eyes too ;) lucky blue-eyed sisters!
I came with my parents to Australia when I was 1, so I've lived in Australia for.......nearly13 years, I guess. And since then I've had about 7 homes, I think. My 8th home is currently in a pretty good double-storey rental, which means home #9 isn't too far away.......    (comment if you were born overseas, or if you're from/background of any country other than America, UK, Canada)

   new post 20/4/14
  Hi! So, 2 years after my last post on the homepage, I am about to turn 15 in 8 days, so on the 28th :) This year, I'm hoping for a meet and greet ticket for the Jason Derulo concert, and maybe a new phone or my own camera. I guess we'll see.
Only today, I went on this blog after a bit over 13 months of not checking on this blog. It's been ages. And I have updated and changed a few things quite a bit, even added a few pages. I know, though, there is still so much more I could do with this blog and use this blog for, and I need any suggestions or ideas that could help me. Maybe I could do a page on regular fashion updates? Or a page on the latest news on Movies and Music? So besides my blog being just some eye-candy for anyone to look at, I can make it something that can be relatable to anybody on a daily basis, and keep it current. Therefore, I will need much more followers of this blog!! So start following and commenting <3
And well, I guess on that note, I am finishing this post. :)
Ana xx