:') Hi & Bye -_-

Hello: (most of these over phone)

What's crackalackin?

What it do, home skillet? (or home slice)

Sup frylock?

What up?

Yo-yo yiggidy-yo!

Heeeeeeey (with sleezy eyebrows lifting up and down)

Howdy stranger

What's shakin' bacon?


Where have you been all my life?

Don't even think about not saying hi

(while pointing and raising eyebrows)
Relax. I'm here.

What’s poppin.


Bula Vinaka, beachside! (when a telemarker calls, lol)

Who’s this suspicious character?

Hey, you

Mike’s House of Chicken and Waffles

Domino’s pizza, pickup or delivery?

Look who it is!

You know , you remind me of….

Yay! Another person!

Whats happening? Did the lights just go off or were the lights

 never on to begin with and someone is just obscuring the door?

[swivel around to face target] Why hello there!

What’s up, buttercup?

Whats cooking good lookin

Hey handsome or Hey cutie (winky face ;)

Bye: (some of these are something I'd NEVER

even do in real life)

Catch ya on the flipside

Peace! (or peace out bra)

Time for me to peace out.


Adidas amigo/amiga

Later gater

Seeya, wouldn't wanna be ya

Until we meet again. (Tip imaginary hat)

Hold the fort down, will ya?

I have to go. (paired with shifty eyes and abrupt departure).

I'll be bock. (Arnold voice)
I’ve gotta split

Catch ya later, if ya give me a good throw

Ta ta for now

May the forces of evil get lost on the way to you front doorstep

Live long and prosper


So long

In a while, crocodile!

If I don’t return, avenge my death

Not now, brown cow

Don't let the back door hit ya where the good Lord split ya

Be good

Take care

Laters taters

Bye! Love your hair! Hope you win!

I love you. Don’t ever change. Seriously.

Oh, by the way, before you leave, what's your name?

I love you, see you in heaven

Well, okay. Have a nice day. just watch out for earthquakes and don't get on a plane in tenerife on a foggy day.

*after your chat-ee does something really werid* Are you feeling alright? I think I should contact the mental asylum you were commited to...

More Updates soon............

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